The AMPERSAND is a visual representation of the phrase "and, per se and."
It is also a graphic representation of the Latin "et," which translates to "and."
We love the word "and" because it is
inclusive, relational, & additive.
Also, it means: "I'm not finished…I have more to say with my life!"
Allowing space in our lives for everything – even and especially the things that threaten to tear us apart – is not for the faint of heart. Learning how to embrace paradox, to hold tension, to endure pain, and to fully show up for life (even when the unknowns outnumber the knowns) is a transformative and deeply courageous endeavor. We are committed to providing a safe space for you to wrestle with whatever questions keep you up at night and which threaten your ability to be fully integrated and present in your life.
We all want to belong. The desire to feel seen and heard, worthy, significant, and loved is a fundamental aspect of being human. When connections with ourselves and with others are re-established and strengthened, anything becomes possible. We’re deeply interested in your story, and we’re invested in helping you nurture your important relationships so that you have an abiding sense of significance, worthiness, and belonging in your life.
The desire for more (more meaning, more significance, more purpose) is a motivating force. It awakens curiosity, ignites creativity, and provides inspiration. It may also require discovering or developing parts of yourself, learning new skills, healing emotional wounds in order to find new freedom, or all of the above. Whatever the case, we are honored to be with you on your journey toward becoming your most authentic, ever-evolving, and fully-alive self.
If you’d like to work on any aspect of your life story, please reach out today.
Lets Talk